Northernheckler's Blog

A Yorkshireman's adventures in the big Smoke

Gordon Brown: Get on your soap box and lead Labour to 4th term in office !

more about “Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global…“, posted with vodpod

(Sorry but I had to move the video – I couldn’t stop it playing automatically on following blogs – Click on the link above or vist Pete Bower’s blog for the original – I know it’s a pain !)

I originally missed this post :
This man could be a brilliant Labour leader

on Peter Bower’s “Pete’s Politics” blog the other day – and also missed the speech by Gordon Brown which it features.
In my own post yesterday about whether Labour can win a 4th term in office, I mentioned John Major’s election victory in 1992. One of the factors in his victory that was cited was that he was seen regularly standing quite literally on a ‘soap box’ with his shirt sleeves rolled up, talking passionately to the public about what he believed in.

Neil Kinnock meanwhile held the celebration rally BEFORE the victory, and left us with the immortal soundbite “Well AAAALL right !,  Well AAAALL right !, Well AAAALL right !”

Well I’m not saying that Gordon Brown should literally get on a soap box, (and I’m certainly not saying he should be ordering the balloons for the victory party yet) but the speech in this video is the speech of a natural born leader not a lame duck. If it can be engineered so that Gordon Brown is regularly seen in the public eye talking as passionately, intelligently and with as much skill as he is in this video, then he will radically shorten the odds on a Labour victory at the next General Election.

It’s achievable – but it’s going to be a long hard slog.

July 28, 2009 Posted by | politics | , , | Leave a comment